Crimson Tempest DFP

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Purchase History for Fitted Rat-ling Control Board
Date Buyer Raid Value
01/12/20 Crathsor GMM - Dragon in the Works 6000.00
03/31/19 Gashar GMM - Dragon in the Works 5000.00
10/06/19 Grimtek TBL - Aalishai: Palace of Embers - The Palace Gates 10000.00
08/25/19 Korha GMM - Dragon in the Works 11000.00
04/23/19 Morulak GMM - Dragon in the Works 16000.00
06/20/19 Ozimandias GMM - Dragon in the Works 21000.00
10/03/19 Panth GMM - Dragon in the Works 7500.00
02/09/20 Panth GMM - Dragon in the Works 200.00
03/16/19 Pittbul GMM - Dragon in the Works 3000.00
10/27/19 Pwedge GMM - Dragon in the Works 11000.00
04/14/19 Rachle TBL - Aalishai: Palace of Embers - The Palace Gates 9000.00
06/30/19 Rheksen GMM - Dragon in the Works 12500.00
09/15/19 Skurg GMM - Dragon in the Works 11000.00
... found 13 item(s)