Crimson Tempest DFP

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Purchase History for Lost Gypsy Belt
Date Buyer Raid Value
09/29/19 Anucrabriem GMM - Dragon in the Works 9000.00
10/03/19 Diecast GMM - Dragon in the Works 6000.00
03/31/19 Gashar GMM - Night at the Museum 6000.00
05/07/19 Grimtek GMM - Night at the Museum 18000.00
04/30/19 Lendiwen GMM - Night at the Museum 6000.00
10/03/19 Livvi GMM - Dragon in the Works 9000.00
09/15/19 Marikka GMM - Dragon in the Works 13000.00
11/17/19 Nallaru GMM - Dragon in the Works 10500.00
09/22/19 Vapor GMM - Dragon in the Works 13000.00
... found 9 item(s)