Crimson Tempest DFP

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Purchase History for Left Eye of the Third Vampire
Date Buyer Raid Value
12/06/06 Kandykiss DODH - Demiplane of Blood 130.00
09/11/06 Mirin DODH - Demiplane of Blood 130.00
09/05/06 Talerenx DODH - Demiplane of Blood 120.00
09/01/06 Xunsai DODH - Demiplane of Blood 100.00
07/10/06 Arkard DODH - Demiplane of Blood 100.00
06/19/06 Erts DODH - Demiplane of Blood 100.00
05/29/06 Senax DODH - Demiplane of Blood 95.00
05/28/06 Litefinger DODH - Demiplane of Blood 110.00
05/07/06 Kavaren DODH - Demiplane of Blood 180.00
04/23/06 Depen DODH - Demiplane of Blood 150.00
... found 10 item(s)