Crimson Tempest DFP

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Purchase History for Rotting Talons
Date Buyer Raid Value
10/07/06 Pier DODH - Demiplane of Blood 130.00
09/05/06 Yusukex DODH - Demiplane of Blood 110.00
08/16/06 Descanreux DODH - Demiplane of Blood 140.00
07/10/06 Phancy DODH - Demiplane of Blood 100.00
06/26/06 Calarie DODH - Demiplane of Blood 90.00
06/19/06 Koradorf DODH - Demiplane of Blood 180.00
06/12/06 Aelie DODH - Demiplane of Blood 210.00
05/22/06 Lendiwen DODH - Demiplane of Blood 160.00
05/08/06 Vapor DODH - Demiplane of Blood 250.00
04/12/06 Morphiious DODH - Demiplane of Blood 270.00
03/13/06 Gaeluas DODH - Demiplane of Blood 220.00
01/31/06 Desiree DODH - Demiplane of Blood 230.00
01/22/06 Valsuvious DODH - Demiplane of Blood 240.00
... found 13 item(s)