Crimson Tempest DFP

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Purchase History for Stud of Chilling Precision
Date Buyer Raid Value
05/19/06 Daelorian OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 39.00
04/28/06 Aelie OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 9.00
04/20/06 Kandykiss OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 19.00
04/11/06 Wolfx OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 25.00
03/29/06 Desiree OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 30.00
02/22/06 Domeno OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 60.00
02/15/06 Thaddaeus OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 95.00
01/31/06 Darkdoc DODH - Demiplane of Blood 100.00
01/20/06 Calarie OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 85.00
11/27/05 Arshei OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 55.00
10/09/05 Phancy OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 80.00
07/01/05 Talerenx OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 85.00
06/19/05 Chaotickitten OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 85.00
02/18/05 Morphiious OMENS - Anguish, the Fallen Palace 135.00
... found 14 item(s)