Crimson Tempest DFP

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Purchase History for Timeworn Codex
Date Buyer Raid Value
10/27/10 Hacket UNDERFOOT - Unstable Creation (Convort) 440.00
10/22/10 Zoycite UNDERFOOT - The Keymaster (Convort) 400.00
10/17/10 Tenor UNDERFOOT - The Hall of Records (Convort) 800.00
10/06/10 Sterilized UNDERFOOT - The Hall of Records (Convort) 1100.00
09/15/10 Jardaormx UNDERFOOT - The Hall of Records (Convort) 500.00
08/29/10 Meteora UNDERFOOT - The Hall of Records (Convort) 400.00
08/23/10 Bamsta UNDERFOOT - The Hall of Records (Convort) 550.00
08/23/10 Kagean UNDERFOOT - The Hall of Records (Convort) 550.00
08/02/10 Ayvan UNDERFOOT - The Hall of Records (Convort) 800.00
... found 9 item(s)